Type of request

Basic requests

Most applicants find that this type of request gives them all the information they need. It can provide you with any of these five types of documents and data records:

  • summary of immigration history
  • visa applications from outside the UK
  • landing cards
  • entry and exit travel history to and from the UK over the past 5 years
  • a Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) summary document for A8 nationals who submitted a WRS application)

Specific requests

You can request up to 5 specific documents or data records, for example those that formed part of a previous application. If you need more general or wide ranging information, you should choose to make a detailed request.

Detailed requests

We will provide you with an initial electronic summary of information, after which you can request additional information if the electronic summary does not meet your needs. This additional information could come from:

  • Home Office files (including Port and Asylum Support)
  • detention records
What type of request would you like to make? (Required)